Toyota Dream Car Artist Room
Here are the "Dream Car" drawn by children from all over the world. what vivid imaginations they have.
"Imagine. Create. Inspire." It all begins with dreams.
About Contest
- Global art contest for children
- "Toyota Dream Car Art Contest" invites children around the world to draw their "dream cars".
Activities in each Country
- Children's dreams across the world.
- Let’s have a look at what ceremonies and events are being held in your country.
Panel of Judges in the World Contest
- Experts from various fields judge artworks in the World Contest
- Experts from various fields judge artworks in the World Contest, for example, artist, art director, racing team director, etc.
Video Gallery
- See the children’s imaginative powers in these videos, too.
- Enjoy scenes from the Japan Trip, animations based on the award winning artworks and other fun images.
Artworks Gallery
- "Dream Car" drawn by the children.
- Introducing winning artworks from the World Contest. Please enjoy artworks filled with children's dreams.
Winners’ Artworks
- Congratulations to our winners on their Dream Cars for the future!
- The World Contest winners are selected out of the National Contest winners.
- 2024.12.20 "Video Gallery" page updated.
- 2024.11.21 "Video Gallery" page updated.
- 2024.09.02 "About Contest" page updated.
- 2024.08.08 "Winners' Artworks" page has been updated
- 2024.03.22 Activities in each Country" page updated, pictures from "Gabon" "Honduras" "Laos" and "Senegal" added